Launch of guidance for new taxonomy requirements
Together with Byggföretagen and Fastighetsägarens taxonomy network, we have investigated how the EU taxonomy should be applied in the construction industry.
Guidance is now available on how to assess the Taxonomy requirements related to chemical content and emissions. The document is intended to support companies in assessing whether building materials and products meet the requirements. It will soon be published on the websites of Byggföretagen and Fastighetsägarnas.
The guidance has been developed by a working group led by BASTA and guides how products should be assessed against the new Taxonomy requirements. The requirements that apply in the future are that all construction products must meet the requirements regarding chemical content to comply with the taxonomy. Some indoor products must also meet the requirements regarding emissions.
In connection with the publication of the guidance, an explanation has been developed, which can be found on the new Taxonomy page. The article cards have also been developed with a taxonomy tab, allowing companies to easily assess and report on the compliance of their products.