Open sustainability data
The BASTA system helps you choose sustainable products through scientifically based information to phase out hazardous substances.

Open search engine
Through our search engine, you can find environmentally assessed building and construction products. The search engine and database are free of charge to use.

Open article pages
Each registered product has a unique and open article page. You can find them via our search engine and link to them with links and QR code. Read more about article pages here.

Open company pages
Explore over 490 companies connected to the BASTA system and see their registered products and their grades and sustainability information. Read more about company pages here.

Open API
Connect your own tools and databases to BASTA to always have accurate and updated information about an article's status from the BASTA system. Integration is free of charge. View API documentation.

Logbook service
Document and follow up product selection in the building and construction process. Our logbook service focuses on traceability and digitisation with direct connections to FINFO, CCBuild and eBVD. More about logbook functions.
The products in the database meet the following grades.
Grades have been introduced into the BASTA system to facilitate the interpretation of an product performance.

Connect your company to the BASTA system
Connect your company and register your articles in the BASTA system database — searchable and accessible to everyone.
Newsletter - Keep up to date
We are connected to the BASTA system – see all

From B to F
Say Vilma and you probably think of the girl's name. Vilma is also an information standard for building material item information owned by Byggmaterialhandlarna. The quality assurer for the Vilma standard between sellers and buyers of building materials is Finfo, where Calle Grundkvist is CEO.
...and therefore BASTA
Carcinogenic, persistent, highly fluorinated - properties you wouldn't want in your living room. BASTA is working to phase out substances with hazardous properties from building materials and to make it easy to register and find products digitally. BASTA was also IVL's first subsidiary, with Chairman of the Board Jeanette Green involved from the start.
Update and clarification of criteria document
The BASTA criteria document has been updated to version V34.2.
Fall events are now published
We have now published the fall events! We are happy to present a calendar of events that we believe will suit everyone.