Article pages

Open article pages
In BASTA's database, each unique article gets its own page where all information is collected.
In addition to the BASTA system's rating levels, you will also find information about, among other things, climate impact and circularity as well as relations to other demand-setters such as Taxonomy, the Swedish Transport Administration and Miljöbyggnad.
You can find the article cards via our search engine, company pages or via our API.
Search for an item — search by item name, GTIN, or brand
Example of an article page

Show which rating level your product meets
If products are marketed as registered in the BASTA system, one of the following formulations must be used:
- Grade logotype and link to the article page at BASTAonline
- Grade logotype and QR-code to the article page at BASTAonline
- In text is written:
”Product name” is registered in the BASTA-system and fulfils the grade XXXX, see for the product’s current
registration status.