

Welcome to contact us when you want to know more about the BASTA system and our tools. You can also reach us at

Pehr Hård, CEO
Criteria, Logbook, IT, Partnership
Paulina Rode Kemlo
Customer support, Invoice, Communication
Cecilia Groth
Scientific Council, Criteria, Audits
Charlotte Stjernqvist
Logbook, Criteria, Assessment
Carina Loh Lindholm
Scientific Council, Criteria, Circularity


Postal address

BASTAonline AB

Box 210 60
100 31 Stockholm
Tel: 010-788 65 00
E-mail: 556719-5697

visiting address

Valhallavägen 81

114 28 Stockholm

For taxi journeys refer to:
Lindstedtsvägen 6, 114 28 Stockholm

Billing address

IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet AB

Invoices must be issued to "IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet AB" with reference to "BASTAonline AB" IVL: 556116-2446

Adress: INX1015-001
831 90 Östersund

Digital invoice

Electronic invoices

GLN: 7365561162448