Company pages

Open company pages
In our system, each connected company gets its own page where all information is collected.
In addition to all articles registered and which rating levels the products meet, there is also information about, among other things, the relationship to other requirement setters such as Taxonomy, the Swedish Transport Administration and Miljöbyggnad.
You can find the company cards via our search engine directly via our Search engine or via a company register or via our API.

Example of a company page
The page contains information about the company and, among other things, a summary of registered articles. number of articles that have an eBVD.
Company-specific search engine
Each affiliated company has access to its own, linkable search engine via its company page.
It is a good tool for showcasing its products in an easy way.

Show your commitment
as a connected company
If the company is advertised as being connected to the BASTA-system, one of the following must be met:
- The logotype of BASTA-system and a link to the company page at BASTAonline
- Sticker with a QR-code to the company page at BASTAonline
- In text is written:
The company is connected to the BASTA-system and has registered products, see for current declaration status