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Through our search engine you will find building and construction products that achieve one of the BASTA system's grades. You will also find information about, among other things, climate impact and circularity, as well as the relationship to other demand-setters such as Taxonomy, the Swedish Transport Administration and Miljöbyggnad.

BASTAs database is always open for anyone to search, either directly through our search engine or through our API.

Try it — search by article name, GTIN or brand

In BASTA's database, articles are registered by suppliers and manufacturers of building and construction products.

In the search service, you can, for example:

  • Search article by name, GTIN, article number or manufacturer
  • Filter your results by company, brand, article name, grade or eBVD. 
  • Filter on classifications such as BSAB and BK04 code.

Search articles

Enter e.g. name of product, GTIN, article number

Over 195,000 environmentally assessed articles

The BASTA system's database is continuously growing and continues to facilitate informed product choices in the building and construction process. For each article there is information on which of BASTA's grades are met together with detailed information on criteria fulfillment for all criteria areas.

Grades & symbols

Grades and symbols facilitate the interpretation of a product's performance without having to review which individual criteria are fulfilled.

Company pages

Each company then has its own company page where more information about the company and its registered products are displayed.

Article pages

Via our database you can search for all articles entered in the BASTA system. Each article can then be opened in its own page where more information about the specific article is displayed, for example information about criteria fulfillment and circularity.