Register articles

More information

For those who register articles

Here you will find in-depth guidance on the article information to be registered, as well as guidance on assessment with calculation examples.


FAQ (Support)

See frequently asked questions and answers


Product registration

Add your products with the correct information.



How are the products assessed? Get help with assessments.

Substance content

What should be included in the product's substance content? See calculation examples.

Many products

More efficient product management with imports and exports.


We continuously performs audits of connected companies.

Market the company’s products in the BASTA system

Register your products and show your commitment to health, environment and sustainable material selection through an open and accessible search for everyone.

In which services are the articles exposed?

BASTAs search service

Search free of charge among all registered products on our website. Search, filter and compare easily.

Logbook service

Document products in your projects digitally. Create logbooks for all phases and target groups.

API service

Integrate BASTAs API service with your systems. Download product data and create your own solutions.

Company page

Create your own company presentation. Display your company and share your articles via link or QR code.

Product range in the search service

Allow customers to use a dedicated search service for only your products. Increase visibility by sharing a link or via QR code to your particular products.

Article pages

Detailed information about each article including grades and criterion fulfillment in compulsory and voluntary criteria areas. Simply share with link or QR code.


Annual fee 2025

Based on turnover and utilization

The annual fee for is based on the company's annual turnover and number of registered articles. Prices below are excluding of VAT.

  • 1–3 articles: 5 000 SEK
  • 4–10 articles: 8 500 SEK
  • more then 10 articles: 13 000 SEK

  • 1–3 articles: 9 000 SEK
  • 4–10 articles: 18 000 SEK
  • more then 10 articles: 26 000 SEK
The events calendar

Education & events

Take part in education opportunities from BASTA. We offer, among other things, open webinars with an introduction to the system and half-day courses on criteria and registration.

You can also book company training courses if there are many of you who want to learn more about BASTA.

More than 450 companies connected to the BASTA system

Participate in procurements

Registered articles in BASTA improve companies' opportunities to participate in procurements where high requirements are placed on chemical content.


External stakeholders and certifications

In society, there is an increased interest in environmental certification of buildings. Articles registered in the BASTA system can be used to demonstrate that the criteria of the certifications are met. Click here to read more.