Summary of criteria changes 2015-06-01
Updates in BASTA and BETA Properties criteria 2015-06-01
BASTA Properties criteria:
Criteria 3a: Incorrect notification to 3a) should have be amended from 0.3% to 0.1%. However, 0.3% is the correct percentage and persists. Unchanged.
Criteria 13: Clarification of the ATE values. Unchanged
Criteria 14b) Added H371 with concentration limit of 10%. Tightening
Criteria 14c) H304 is moved from Property criterion 16. It had previously a concentration limit of 10%. This is now a product criterion, i.e. if the product as such is classified as H304 the product will not qualify for registration. Alleviation
Criteria 15b) Added H373 with concentration limit of 10%. Tightening
Criteria 17c) Removed. Alleviation
BETA Properties criteria:
Criteria 3: Incorrect notification to 3a) should have been changed from 0.3% to 0.1%. However, 0.3% is the correct percentage and persists. Unchanged
Yours Sincerely
The BASTA offfice