The following change comes into force on 2020-01-01
Amendment to the criterion 17 Environmentally hazardous – BASTA
BASTA amends the criterion for environmentally hazardous substances from 2020-01-01 that will also include substances that meet the criteria for the hazard class,” Very toxic to aquatic life, Category chronic 3 (H412)” according to CLP.
Postponement of new criteria for endocrine disrupters
The implementation of the change in criterion 5 endocrine disrupting substances announced in the 2018-12-17 and which would come into force on 7 July 2019 is now postponed. The amendment is now scheduled to enter into force on 1 January 2020. Until then, the current criteria for criterion 5 apply. The current definition still applies.
Updated text and footnotes
To make the criteria clearer and easier to read, the introductory text and a larger part of the footnotes have been revised and updated. However, this will not any change nor will it affect the qualification of the products.
The amendment of criterion 17 will mean that any sub-supplier declarations needs to be supplemented/amended.
Yours sincerly
The BASTA office