100 000 GTIN

More than 100,000 GTIN enables digital communication!

Published 12 Mar 2019

Digital communication and an unbroken flow of environmental information are becoming increasingly important.

We have now reached a milestone since more than 100,000 of our articles have a registered GTIN and thus also a unique article number! BASTA is currently in the process of developing two interfaces that will work in collaboration with external databases. One of the prerequisite to successfully implementing this is that the identity is secured and that the different databases can be matched with each other.

Furthermore, traceability and a secured article identity is required to create a working digital communication with calls between databases. In the BASTA-system we have from the start utilized our affiliates’ own article numbers in combination with GTIN (formerly EAN). The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), which is a global standard, is a 13 or 14-part unique article number, which is managed by the company GS1. Together with the companies and Logiq / FINFO, we have worked to ensure that this information is entered in the BASTA-system. GTIN linked to registered articles has also been a prerequisite in providing the construction goods trade with regular information about which of their articles has a BASTA or BETA registration.

We want to thank FINFO / Logic and all our affiliated companies who made our work with uninterrupted flow of environmental information possible!

If you want to read more about the work that is going on in the industry regarding digital flows, you will find more information here:
