changes in the BASTA and BETA Properties criteria

Notification regarding changes in the BASTA and BETA Properties criteria

Published 02 Jul 2018

Notification (published 2018-06-21)

The BASTA and BETA Properties Criteria for 2018:2 has been published on the BASTA webbpage

The criteria will be updated on July 1, and the only change relates to the information obligation and requirements for the content of the substances on the candidate list of 0.1%.

BASTA is now introducing requirements on the reporting of all substances on the candidate list over 0.1%. The substance, the CAS number and content shall be entered in the description field from the 1 of January 2019.

Substances found on the candidate list are assessed in BASTA based on their harmonized classification with the limits set by the harmonized classification. The majorities of substances are regulated from 0.1% and is therefore not permitted in the BASTA system in concentrations above 0.1%. However, some substances have a harmonised classification with a higher content limit, which means that higher concentrations may occur in registered products.

The information requirements and obligations under REACH applies from 0.1% for all substances on the candidate list, this is why  BASTA now are introducing corresponding information requirements and obligations for substances on the candidate list above 0.1%. Examples of substances covered by this are substances on the candidate list that are classified as toxic to reproduction which have a concentration limit of 0.3% as well as a range of boron compounds.

The content of the substances on the candidate list should be included in safety data sheets and performance declarations, or equivalent, we have estimated that the information should already be available to those who have products which are subject to the change. Therefore, an update of “sub-supplier declaration” or “amendment of Safety Data Sheet” is not necessary.

Best wishes

The BASTA office