New group for products that contain Electronics
To be able to register products in Basta a knowledge of the complete content information is required. The information required need to be at the component level, ie for each item that a complex article/object consists of (cf Article 33 of REACH).
As electronics often contain a large number of goods / components in combination with long supply chains, it is in many cases very complex to obtain content information at the level required for a registration in the system’s Basta, Beta, or Declared register. Basta is therefore introducing the Electronics group, where the goal is to make it easier for more suppliers to register goods that contain electronics, such as thermostats. In this way, we achieve increased knowledge and more conscious material choices where electronics are part of the construction or civil engineering product.
The methodology is based on the manufacturer stating the proportion of the product’s total weight that meets BASTAs different requirement level. The qualification starts with the highest requirements (Basta) where the total proportion (weight%) that passes that level is stated. Then it works its way down into the structure until the total weight of the product is distributed. The different levels referred to are Basta -Beta -Declared – RoHS -Unknown.
The methodology encourages reporting at the levels in the Basta-system where full knowledge of content is available, ie Basta, Beta and Declared. The RoHS and Unknown groups are therefore intended for those parts where limited information on the content is available, but where in the case of RoHS the legal requirements attached to the directive are met. The unknown part/group is used if any part of the product with incomplete content is not covered by RoHS.
For those looking for products, the information is displayed either by hovering the mouse pointer over the symbol when searching for the item, or by opening the item by clicking on the item name: