Launch of the new website and updated criteria document!

On May 30th 2023 BASTA launched the much awaited new, updated website to further highlight both affiliated companies and their registered articles. At the same time an updated criteria document was also released, where the main focus has been to further clarify the criteria of the BASTA system.

New website has a new look

BASTA has now launched a new website in order to better expose and highlight joined companies and registered products.

The design and content of the website have been updated to increase the user friendliness of the system, as well as clarifying how the system works. The public search function has also been updated to facilitate easier sustainable product choices. Below you will find some of the news that has been implemented along side the construction of the new website, we hope this will make the system more accessible and add further value of having joined BASTA.


Company pages

To increase the exposure of you as a joined company, we will be launching company pages. This means that each company that has joined BASTA will get its own company page, displaying all their registered articles. It will also mean you can showcase all your registered articles to customers and others interested parties by linking to your company page in the BASTA system. 


Article pages

In order to increase the value of a registered article and be able to show what a certain rating level means, each individual article will get its own article page. On this page, we will display information about the article, which grade it has obtained and which criteria that have been met. Information from the optional criteria areas circularity, renewability, environmental effects as well as emissions and tests will also be displayed.


Improved API

The BASTA system has already got an open API that is currently used by many companies to retrieve information about the rating levels of registered articles. With the restructuring, the API will be able to offer additional data from our open database as well as links to the new article pages. 

Updated criteria document

Recasted criteria in new design

The criteria for the grades BASTA, BETA and DECLARED, information from different support documents as well as the optional criteria areas are now merged into one document.

The recasting of the criteria means that it will be a lot easier to compare criteria between, for example, different grades, that the criteria have better descriptions. and that the criteria will have a new numbering. However, no criteria have changed, so there is no need to re-assess already registered articles. Both the registration pages and the pages for the logbook service has been updated to follow the new structure from the criteria document.

Click here to download the criteria document

Notification 2023-05-30

Updated registration interface

The registration of articles

We have updated the layout of the registration pages in accordance with the new criteria document. This will become evident as you follow the new structure when you login to edit and/or register a new article. 

We have also launched a new export function in the BASTA system. The function facilitate an easy update of registered articles as well as adding of new articles, just do an export of all your articles - adjust the file to your liking and then import it back into the system. 

The existing import file, along with all the other supporting documents have been updated according to the new criteria document and website, for example guidelines and the assessment template.