New database

A new database will collect building product declarations (eBVD’s)

Published 05 Feb 2016

Construction companies and manufacturers will via a new database be able to register and take part in building product declarations (eBVD’s).

The new database will make it easier to provide as well as receive information about a product’s environmental aspects at different stages of its life cycle. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and the Building Material Industries are the forces behind the new digital building product declaration eBVD 2015.

“Through the tool, environmental data about the various building materials will accompany projects through all stages from the planning and construction stage to the administration without losing any part of the fundamental information. The information traceability will also be greatly improved by using clearer identities for these documents and for the construction material the information applies to, “said Anna Jarnehammar, unit manager at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.

Byggvarubedömningen is a previously available system with environmentally assessed building products for the construction industry.

Further information about eBVD 2015