Sussi Wetterlin

Sussi Wetterlin is BASTA:s new CEO

Published 23 Sep 2014

Sussi Wetterlin has been appointed as new CEO of BASTA. She has succeeded Per Löfgren, who continued his career as the sustainability manager at JM.

BASTA is an established system which helps and supports the construction sector in achieving the goal of a non-toxic building/construction. Today there are nearly 20,000 products that meet the stringent environmental requirements of the BASTA system.

Sussi Wetterlin comes from Akzo Nobel Casco Adhesives, where she already started working in 1992 with health, safety and environmental issues. Since then she has held a variety of marketing and sales related positions within the company. Sussi worked the last ten years as sales director for Wood adhesives Europe and Eastern Europe with a focus on emerging markets. She has a background as a toxicologist and organic chemist.

– In my role as CEO of BASTA, I see an opportunity to combine my environmental background with my wide experience in sales and marketing. There is an extensive need for professional system to secure sustainable construction and BASTA with its scientifically-based criteria holds the highest credibility. It is very inspiring to be able to take part in and to further develop a system where user friendliness and a comprehensive view of the various stakeholder needs will be given high priority, says Sussi Wetterlin.

– We are very excited to have Sussi Wetterlin in place as the CEO of BASTA. We look forward to receiving her extensive business and marketing skills and her understanding of our customer’s environmental requirements which affect the materials industry, but also how environmental requirements can work together with other requirements, says Anna Jarnehammar, Chairman of BASTA and unit manager at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.

– With extensive experience in the materials industry and expertise in chemistry and toxicology Sussi Wetterlin is in very good position to strengthen BASTA:s role as a tool/system to manage the chemical requirements for construction and building products, says Maria Brogren, member of the BASTA board and director of Energy and Environmental Affairs at the Swedish Construction Federation.

For further information please contact:
Sussi Wetterlin,, tel. 08-598 564 82
Anna Jarnehammar,, tel. 08-598 563 76
Maria Brogren,, tel. 0761-36 09 10

About Basta
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and the Swedish Construction Federation owns the joint company BASTAonline AB, which is a non-profit-driven company. The BASTA system’sfoundation is to provide a quality assured system for supplier assessment, focusing on the chemical content of building products. The system consists of 1) the criteria for chemical content based on scientific evidence and REACH legislation 2) requirements on suppliers regarding competence and procedures for continuous monitoring of their products, and 3) a freely available product directory for the suppliers’ customers who want to verify that the products used meet the necessary criteria with regards to the phasing out of particularly hazardous substances.