The Eu countries have voted yes to criteria on endocrine disrupting substances
A majority of the EU member states have approved the European Commission’s proposals for scientific criteria for identifying endocrine disrupting substances.
Release from the Swedish Chemicals Agency 2017-07-04
Sweden voted against the proposal, mainly because of concerns that the criteria would not provide a strong enough protection for health and the environment.
The European Commission’s first proposal for criteria for endocrine disrupting substances was presented in June 2016. Now, a majority of member states have endorsed a revised proposal during a vote in EU’s Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed. During the next step in the process, the European Council and the European Parliament will take a stand on the proposal.
The EU Food Safety Authority Efsa and the Chemical Agency Echa have started working on a guidance for a hazard-based identification of endocrine disrupting substances. The guidance will make it easier for applicants and authorities to identify endocrine disrupting substances with the help of the criteria.
Endocrine disrupting substances can contribute to the development of cancer, affect the metabolism and fertility. Fetuses and small children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of the substances. If a fetus is exposed to an endocrine disrupting substance, it can also mean an increased risk of developing diseases later in life. However it may be a long time between an exposure to the substances and the detection of any effects on health.
The European Commission’s decision regarding criteria for endocrine disrupting substances were severely delayed and took far longer than expected. Du to this Sweden sent in an appeal suing the Commission for inaction. Sweden received a favorable ruling in 2015 in a verdict in the European Court of Justice Tribunal.
Read further information on endocrine disruptors…
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