Överkantsstöd - Bockstöd
Article information Article information
Company Company
Criteria areas
Criteria area Health and environmental hazards
Criteria area Health and environmental hazards
The article passes 38 out of 38 criteria and has received the above grade level. The criteria document of the BASTA system describes which criteria must be met in order to obtain a specific grade level.
H1.A: Carcinogenicity – Category 1A or 1B (H350)
H1.B: Carcinogenicity – Category 2 (H351)
H1.C: Germ cell mutagenicity – Category 1A or 1B (H340)
H1.D: Germ cell mutagenicity – Category 2 (H341)
H1.E: Reproductive toxicity – Category 1A or 1B (H360)
H1.F: Reproductive toxicity - Category 1A or 1B (H360) (Requirement in the EU taxonomy)
H1.G: Reproductive toxicity – Category 2 (H361)
H1.G: Reproductive toxicity – Additional category for effects on or via lactation (H362)
H2.A: Endocrine disruptors – Category 1 (EUH380 and EUH430)
H2.B: Endocrine disruptors – Category 2 (EUH381 and EUH431)
H2.C: Substances excluded from criterion H2.A
H3.A: Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances (PBT)
H3.B: Very persistent and very bioaccumulative substances (vPvB)
H3.C: Potentially PBT or vPvB – CoRAP
H3.E: Persistent, mobile and toxic substances (PMT) – (EUH450)
H3.F: Very persistent and mobile substances (vPvM) – (EUH451)
H4.A: Lead or compounds of lead (Pb)
H4.B: Lead or compounds of lead (Pb) + exemption for moving parts of machine steel
H4.C: Mercury or compounds of mercury (Hg)
H4.D: Cadmium or compounds of cadmium (Cd)
H5.A: Hazardous to the ozone layer – Category 1 (H420) or regulation ((EG) 1005/2009)
H6.A: Fluorinated greenhouse gases – F-gases
H7.A: Respiratory sensitisers – Category 1A (H334)
H7.B: Respiratory sensitisers – Category 1 and 1B (H334)
H7.C: Skin sensitisers – Category 1A (H317)
H7.D: Skin sensitisers – Category 1 and 1B (H317)
H8.A: Acute toxicity – Category 1, 2 or 3
- Oral (H300, H301)
- Dermal (H310, H311)
- Inhalation (H330, H331)
H8.B: Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure) - Category 1 (H370)
H8.C: Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure) - Category 2 (H371)
H8.D: Aspiration toxicity - Category 1 (H304) – Applies only to chemical products
H8.E: Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure) - Category 1 (H372)
H8.F: Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure) - Category 2 (H373)
H9.A: Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
H10.A: Hazardous to the aquatic environment – Category Acute 1 (H400)
H10.B: Hazardous to the aquatic environment – Category Chronic 1 or 2, (H410) or (H411)
H10.C: Hazardous to the aquatic environment – Category Chronic 4 (H413)
H11.A: Substances on the Candidate List
Optional criteria areas
Criteria area Circularity
Criteria area Renewability
Criteria area Environmental effects
Criteria area
Emissions and tests
Information not provided
Data from partner
Electronic building product declaration, eBVD, is a digital industry-wide format for reporting environmental information about building materials/products.
Relationship to other certifications
In the EU's green framework, there are criteria for both activities in construction and maintenance of buildings.
In these criteria there are requirements for building materials to be used in the buildings, the criteria include both emissions and content.
Taxonomy 2020:852
- Indoors
Taxonomy 2020:852
- Outdoors
Miljöbyggnad is a Swedish system for environmental certification of buildings. The system has three different grades: BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD which are dependent on the grade of each indicator. The connection between BASTA’s grades and the grade for the Miljöbyggnad indicator ”UTFASNING AV FARLIGA ÄMNEN” is described below. To read more about the connection between the Miljöbyggnad indicator for logbook and the BASTA system, click on the link below.
Generation 4.X
- Indicator 15 - Logbook with building materials
Generation 4.X
- Indicator 9 - Phasing out of hazardous substances
- Indoors
Generation 4.X
- Indicator 9 - Phasing out of hazardous substances
- Outdoors
Generation 3.X
- Indicator 13 - Logbook with building materials
Generation 3.X
- Indicator 14 - Phasing out of hazardous substances
- Indoors
Generation 3.X
- Indicator 14 - Phasing out of hazardous substances
- Outdoors
Generation 2.X
- Indicator 14 - Documentation of building materials
Generation 2.X
- Indicator 15 - Phasing out of hazardous substances
BREEAM-SE is a Swedish version of the British environmental certification system BREEAM, which is used to certify newly produced buildings.
The BASTA system grades can be used to verify the absence of phase-out and risk reduction substances. To meet the criteria for the logbook as a whole, it is also required that an eBVD or construction product declaration is present and that the location and quantity are stated in the logbook. Click on the link below for more information.
Generation V6.X (2023)
- Criteria: Mat 07 Farliga ämnen
- Assessment criterion 1: Building materials and chemical products
Generation V6.X (2023)
- Criteria: Mat 07 Farliga ämnen
- Assessment criterion 4: Installation products
Generation V6.X (2023)
- Criteria: Mat 07 Farliga ämnen
- Assessment criterion 7: Exemplary level
Generation V6.X (2023)
- Criteria: Mat 07 Farliga ämnen
- Assessment criterion 2, 5, 8: Logbook
Generation 2017
- Criteria: Mat 07 Farliga ämnen
- Assessment criterion 1: Building materials and chemical products
Generation 2017
- Criteria: Mat 07 Farliga ämnen
- Assessment criterion 4: Installation products
Generation 2017
- Criteria: Mat 07 Farliga ämnen
- Assessment criterion 7: Exemplary level
Generation 2017
- Criteria: Mat 07 Farliga ämnen
- Assessment criterion 2, 5, 8: Logbook
The Swedish Transport Administration's requirements for materials and goods are based on a classification according to criteria, which are also used in the assessment of chemical products. The Swedish Transport Administration's criteria are harmonized with the BASTA system's criteria's
TDOK 2010:310 or TDOK 2012:22
- Requirements and criteria for the content of hazardous substances
Swedish Chemicals Agency
Swedish Chemicals Agency
PRIO is a tool from the Swedish Chemicals Agency for finding and replacing hazardous substances in articles and chemical products. It promotes a non-toxic circular economy and protects employees, customers and the environment. Substances in the PRIO tool have a priority level based on their properties.
- Priority risk reduction substances
- Phase-out substances