Launch of V35.1
Notification 2024-12-17
The update of the criteria from version V34.2 to V35.1.
Version V35.1 will be effective from 2025-06-17.
The update to this version from version V34.2 introduces the following changes to the criteria:
- V35.H1.H V34.1 No longer requirement for rating BETA, harmonization with PRIO.
- V35.H3.C Definition changed from from CoRAP to PRIO.
- V35.H6.A Update of regulation.
- Added criterion H10.C and former H10.C has become H10.D.
- V35.O5 has been updated with clearer guidelines on marketing.
- As well as clarifications in the criteria V34.H2.B, V34.H3.D, V34.H3.E, V34.H7.C, V34.H7.D and V34.O2.V35.H2.A, V35.H4.A. V35.H4.B, V35.H7.C, V35.H7.D, V35.H8.A, V35.H10.A, V35.H10.B, V35.H11, V35.O2 for curing/drying products and for the voluntary criteria Circularity and Emissions.
The criteria will come into force on June 17, 2025, at which time all products must be assessed against the new criteria and registrations must be updated.
Criteria and supporting documents
New criteria document V35.1 is released in connection with the notification, and it will be valid from June 17, 2025. BASTA will update all supporting documents before the new version will apply. We will inform all our affiliates when supporting documents are in place, and when it is possible to start updating registered articles.
The updated criteria documents are available for download on the documents page on BASTA's website.
Notification of changes in criteria
New and updated criteria on reproductive toxicity, PBT or vPvB, fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases), hazardous to the aquatic environment and on marketing. There are also clarifications to a number of different criteria. As of June 17, 2025, these criteria changes will enter into force.
New criteria
Hazardous to the aquatic environment - Chronic 3 (H412) is introduced with a concentration limit of 1% (V35.H10.C). The new criterion does not give a lower grade if it is not fulfilled, the criteria is added to be able to show compliance with SoC-substances in the new ESRS-standard. The criterion has been added as the CSRD Directive has requirements for SoC-substances (substances of concern) in the ESRS-standard E2 pollution (09 Draft ESRS E2 Pollution November 2022.pdf). The remaining requirements for SoC-substances are addressed in other criteria within BASTA. This requirement will only be used to demonstrate whether an article meets the chemical requirements of the CSRD Directive.
The previous criterion Hazardous to the aquatic environment - Chronic 4 (H413) has been changed from H10.C to V35.H10.D.
Updates to existing criteria
The criterion on Reproductive toxicity - Additional category for effects on or via lactation (H362) has been changed to not being a requirement for the BETA-grade (V35.H1.H). This change is made to align with the PRIO-tool criterion for risk reduction substances.
The criterion on potential PBT or vPvB (V35.H3.C) has been adjusted to align with the PRIO-tool instead of the CoRAP-list.
The criterion Fluorinated greenhouse gases - F-gases (V35.H6.A), has an updated regulation. The criterion includes substances listed in Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2024/573 of the European Parliament and of the Council that are not present in concentrations equal to or above the 0.1% concentration limit.
The criterion for marketing has been updated with clearer guidelines on marketing (V35.O5).
Minor clarifications and updates are provided in the following criteria V35.H2.A, V35.H4.A. V35.H4.B, V35.H7.C, V35.H7.D, V35.H8.A, V35.H10.A, V35.H10.B, V35.H11, V35.O2 regarding the methodology for curing/drying products and for the voluntary criteria Circularity and Emissions.
Other changes
In addition to the changes described above, there are minor editorial changes and clarifications.