BASTA system part of hackathon win
Team Paramountric won the BIM Alliance hackathon 2023 with their solution for the BASTA system. We interviewed founder Andreas Rudenå.
Welcome to a hackathon
Are you a developer or designer? Who wants to create a more efficient, digitalized and sustainable spatial planning process? Welcome to a hackathon!
Register for BASTA day 7 of november 2017
The BASTA-day 2017-11-07 - IS HELD IN SWEDISH!
Digitization of sustainable product choices
In Swedish:
Vad kan det möjliggöra för återbruk?
När miljöbedömningar, artikeldata och byggbranschen digitaliseras öppnas nya möjligheter för att effektivisera flöden av information. Kravbilden på produkter blir allt mer komplex, bland annat genom krav från den egna organisationen, miljöcertifieringar för byggnader och EU-taxonomin.
Den 15 juni får du höra Pehr Hård, vd, BASTA Online AB och Carolina Larsson, avdelningschef certifiering samt chef Miljöbyggnad och Miljöbyggnad iDrift, SGBC samtala kring hur vi ska hantera detta under ett lunchwebbinarium.
Launch 30 May 2023
We have big things going on within the BASTA system. We are now preparing for our biggest launch ever!
During the past six months, we have worked on reshapingour criteria and building a brand new website. We are convinced that it will both facilitate the work of assessing and registering articles, as well as increase the value of registering articles. This through easier communication with stakeholders and an increased exposure of registered articles.
Joint webinar with Chemwise
Welcome to a webinar where BASTA, together with Chemwise, goes through how you can work to ensure a safe working environment.
Working towards a safe workplace is something we are passionate about, therefore we would like to invite you to this free webinar, where we will go through the tools available at BASTA and give examples of how Chemwise works with BASTA's criteria.